Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A random insight

Most law students are horrible at predicting how well they did on their law school exams. Apparently, they are also horrible at determining how well an interview went.

Or maybe it's just that the "callback process [is] rather like the AP football polls- so random at times." -- Kate


Roo from said...

Yea for Alex! Yea for callbacks!

D said...

Did you do well?

If so I say, "Great work Ho."

If not I say, "Let me pass on to you the inspirational words of noted psychologist Abraham Maslow who wonce said, 'To the man that has only a thing, ever problem begins to look like the thing that you hit the thing with.' You see? It just goes to show that if you have sex in the AP tent on Mt. Everest, then kill your friend with a shovel, you'll need some spy gear to rappel down the outside of your bosses office and only end up being run over by a JGC."