Friday, September 09, 2005

Mr. Loy, our new celebrity...

Although he hardly needs any additionaly publicity, my fellow classmate Brendan Loy (how cool is it to have your own Wikipedia entry?!) has hit the big time. As many of my readership are undoubtedly aware, Brendan runs a little blog during spare moments here at NDLS. His blogging efforts ran full force during the hours before Hurricane Katrina hit. His site was a remarkable repository of news, links, and insightful commentary. His blog garnered a lot of attention, and traffic at his site soared (in fact, he's had to switch to a back-up site due to all of the web traffic).

He's already been on several radio talk shows, been the subject of several newspaper stories -- both local and national -- and recently appeared on MSNBC. They're all running with the tagline that he's a self-described "weather nerd" who tried to warn of Katrina's landfall while government officials dropped the ball. To see some of the press he's received, look here.

Anyway, a hearty congrats to Brendan on his success, though I'm sure we all wish it could come at a happier, less tragic time.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

Thanks. For the recognition, and the Harry Potter reference. :)

I, too, wish my "15 minutes of fame" could come under happier circumstances. I'd gladly trade in all the ego-boosting attention if I could wave my magic wand and make Katrina never have happened... and also somehow magically make everyone realize that something like it would inevitably happen someday, and actually get ready...