Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bright orange irony

Sorry for the absence. I've been pretty busy this week, with a pretrial conference and order for Trial Ad and the MCA brief due today. (Why MCA? Moot Court Appellate.) The best part of turning in the rough draft of the brief, aside from not having to work on it for a few days, came from a fortuitous coincidence in scheduling. But to fully appreciate this, I have to lay out some background...

The brief for MCA is about the Solomon Amendment (10 U.S.C. 983 for any law nerds out there) which conditions federal funding to colleges and universities on providing military recruiters with equal access (as compared to other employers) to that institution's campuses (campi?) and students. Law schools with Non Discrimination Policies do not want to accommodate and assist military recruiters because of its "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy (10 U.S.C. 654) which discriminates against homosexuals.

This isn't really a problem here at ND, which to my knowledge does not have a Non Discrimination Policy that includes homosexuals. In fact, the school refuses to recognize AllianceND (a student group that represents ND'’s gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/queer/questioning community) as an official student organization.

Today happened to be "Orange Shirt Day," where students who disagree with ND's policy wear bright orange shirts (new link - old one broke) with the slogan "GAY? Fine by Me." written across the front. So I got to turn in my brief (for the government, supporting the constitutionality of the Solomon Amendment) while wearing a "GAY? Fine by Me." T-shirt. Ah, the irony.

(This message brought to you by the Society for Liberal Increase in Prolific Use of Parentheses (SLIPUP))


D said...

Can I take a look at the brief? If you succesfully agrued the constitutionality of that law I would like to read that.

Alex said...

I'll be happy to forward a copy of it to you after I've turned in the final draft (yesterday I was only handing in a rough draft -- emphasis on rough). You know, honor code and stuff.

D said...

"Honor code"? What's that?

Email me whenever you finish!

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, though, military recruiters are not allowed to interview at the law school - they truck us all over to the engineering building.

Alex said...

To my knowledge, no such picture exists. Sorry, maybe next Gay Day.