Saturday, September 10, 2005

Mixed results

It's been a day of highs and lows for an Irish Buckeye.

First, the Irish pulled off a 17-10 victory over that team up north. ND's proving to be quite a team this year, winning its first two games, both on the road. The Irish defense looked particularly good today. After this game, all I needed was for my alma mater to win to seal a very nice college football trifecta.

But Ohio State just lost a very close game to #2 Texas. A record crowd turned out to see the night game at the 'Shoe, and the Buckeyes led for most of the game. But the team seemed to self-destruct in the last few minutes of play, allowing OSU to, as Derek might say, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. OSU's defense played very well, but the offense struggled. Still, with just over two minutes to play, all OSU needed was to get down the field and score a field goal. But it wasn't to be as OSU's one turnover of the game, a fumble by Zwick, pretty much sealed the game's fate. OSU's tough loss, combined with losses by Michigan and Iowa today, made it a rough day for the Big Ten.

Still, it was a great day of football. ND won, and even though OSU lost, it was a good, close game.


Anonymous said...
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Alex said...

Death to comment spam!

Roo from said...

Yeah, comment spam sucks! Everytime I put up a new post, I get some comment spam within five minutes! Ugh! Stupid robots!

Hook 'em Horns!

Alex said...

Yeah, Ohio State better turn it around and win next week. I mean, they're playing 0-2 San Diego State in the 'Shoe. I can accept losing a close, tough game to #2 Texas (even though it's rough to see them choke in the final minutes), but next week is practically a gimme.

Roo from said...

Why is it called the 'Shoe?

Alex said...

When viewed from above, Ohio Stadium looks like a horseshoe. Some good shots can be seen here and here.

Roo from said...

Ah, that makes sense. They kept showing shots of it yesterday and calling it that, but I only ever saw the partial shots, which made it impossible to tell it looked like a horseshoe.

Craig said...

Alex - This should solve the comment spam problem:

(From blogger's help file)