Friday, September 09, 2005

A long overdue post

I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, I promise. But my first semester of 2L has picked up a bit, and I've been pretty busy with that. And when I'm done working, it's been difficult to muster the energy to think of something interesting to write here.

A couple of big events warrant mentioning, though. First off, a little bit of college football. Last weekend was the season opener for both ND and OSU. And as those of you who follow such things already know, both teams won. Though he doesn't have a recap of the game, Derek was there. For an interesting description of the trials and tribulations of attending a game at the 'Shoe, see this recap from a recent alum (worth a read even if you're not a football fan). I didn't watch the OSU game, but I did get together with a few friends to watch ND beat Pitt. Although it got off to a rough start, ND ultimately prevailed with a whopping 42-21 victory. Both OSU and ND have tough games tomorrow: ND faces Michigan (boo, hiss), while OSU faces #2 Texas. Brooke is throwing a little get-together for the game tomorrow, so we'll be rooting for the Irish. Hopefully I'll be able to catch some of the OSU game later.

On Thursday, Brooke, Kristine, Meghan, and I joined Professor Dutile and his wife for dinner at the University Club. We had bid on this dinner last spring at the Women's Legal Forum auction, and finally got around to scheduling it. I had a blast. Prof. Dutile was his typical hysterical self. His wife is a wonderful woman and very engaging. The food was really good too. We talked about everything from Hurricane Katrina to Crim Law (albeit sparingly) to each of our respective backgrounds. It was a lot of fun, and I'll be looking to bid for the dinner again if it's offered this year.

As for a few more mundane matters... classes are going well. Trial Ad remains fairly intensive, as we've now received our cases for the trials next month. Kristine and I will be working together on a criminal case, for the prosecution (that sound you hear is Derek's jaw dropping open in disbelief). It's an interesting case, but we've been busy rewriting portions of it to conform to a gender switch between the perpetrator and the victim. (I'll leave the "alleged" tag to the defense attorneys.) Cyberlaw remains very interesting, and I've started to do a little background research into topics on which I might write my paper. Evidence hasn't been quite as thrilling as I expected, though I'm sure it'll pick up soon. It is interesting to see how things really are, and just how bad some of the evidentiary objections/arguments were back in mock trial (though I'm still a big fan of 404(b) -- prior wrongs/acts not admissible to show conformity of action therewith -- what can I say, I'm a dork). And then there's Moot Court Appellate. It's a big class, much bigger than I anticipated. It's a one credit pass/fail class, but it's also a competition for ten spots on next year's Moot Court teams. It looks like an interesting case, though I'll be representing the side that I don't really agree with at the moment.

Beyond classes, OCIs have been progressing along. I've had a few interviews and some more coming up, but that's all I'm going to say here.

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