Sunday, January 30, 2005

1L Doldrums

I figured it was about time for another serious post on 1L life here at NDLS.

Right now we're in a period frequently referred to as the "1L Doldrums." It's essentially a period of letdown after all of the rigmarole of the first semester. Students often have a hard time getting back into the swing of things for second semester. I'm not really sure what supposedly causes this condition. Maybe it's because there's no longer a sense of fear propelling us, now that we've figured out how things work (mostly). Perhaps grades have given some a sense of futility or comfort (for more on this, see Brendan's post). Or maybe it's just the weather.

I'd heard about this well before starting law school, and vowed not to let it happen to me. But sometimes it is hard to focus. Especially when the reading gets a bit murky. Still, I'm managing to get through it.

It's kind of hard to believe that we're already 1/6th of the way through law school. It must be even weirder for the 3Ls - they're only about 100 days from graduating.

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