Sunday, July 31, 2005

Chauvinistic Chocolate?

This is a chocolate candy bar that they sell out of vending machines here in London. Seriously, who in marketing thought this was a good idea? Doesn't this exclude a large portion of the typical target demographic for chocolate? Or is this a blatant attempt at reverse psychology, a ruse designed to ensure that women actually buy it? Is the idea to create an artificial demand based on the premise that people always seem to want what they can't have?

1 comment:

Roo from said...

OMG, Alex, can you bring me back a Yorkie bar or 5? I LOVE Yorkie bars. Ate them all the time when I lived there. Other important British treats: Cadbury Dairy Milk bars (tell me you've eaten dozens of these), Caramel McVittie's digestives, Plain Chocolate Hobnobs...oh, I could go on. PLEASE bring me a Yorkie bar!