Friday, July 01, 2005

O'Connor Retires

Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court today. Many have predicted that she would retire soon, along with an ailing Chief Justice Rehnquist. O'Connor has been an important swing justice on the Court, so her replacement is bound to have a profound impact on the future of the country. The inside scoop (according to Brendan's sources) is that Bush intends to nominate Emilio Garza (a double domer) to fill the vacancy.

I'm not personally familiar with Mr. Garza's decisional history, but suffice to say his previous two appointments came from President Reagan and President Bush I. Combined with the fact that Bush II (aka Shrub) is known to favor Justices Scalia and Thomas, I'm troubled by the recent turn of events. (And I doubt there's much point in hoping for another Souter.) Rehnquist's retirement would have simply meant a switch from an old conservative justice for a younger conservative justice; the replacement of the swing justice will have a far geater impact on the Court and the country.

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