Sunday, November 07, 2004

Yes, I'm still alive.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been eons since I last updated this thing. Lots of things have happened since my last post, so there's little point in trying to rehash it all. I'll just touch on some of the more important stuff (read: what I can remember right now). And I'm going to avoid the typical post-election analysis and complaining. Suffice to say that it's over, and let's all move on. Besides, you're here to read about my life, right?

Hmmm.... well I got my practice exams back. The verdict: I'm on track, but need to do more. I see the practice exams as recon work on the professors. As a member of my study group likes to point out, "You're not taking a torts exam. You're taking Tidmarsh's torts exam." A successful exam answer gets into the head of the professor. Now that I've gotten a little feedback, I think I'm better prepared to do that.

Things here at the law school have gotten considerably more hectic. We're a week and a half (roughly) away from the legal research exam. Legal writing continues to bombard us with assignments. Finals loom on the horizon, and everyone's scrambling to revise their outlines. It's beginning to get more stressful, and the competitive side of many people is starting to surface. There's talk of a few of my classmates being very secretive about their notes and study aids. It's all their perogative, I feel, but those in study groups have pledged to cooperate with everyone in the group.

Despite the frenzy, there are still some light moments from day to day. My CivPro class, through the efforts of some hardworking 1Ls, threw a birthday bash for Professor Bauer this week (it's something of a tradition for the 1Ls to do this). We got another prof to serve process on Bauer (Dutile, the Smiling Assassin- seems fitting). We paraded cakes, adorned with toys representing some of the cases we've discussed, into the classroom. Everyone ate, drank, and was generally merry. The "merry" part was mostly due to the fact that the celebration preempted any semblance of having class. It was just like elementary school again.

To go completely off topic for a minute- who else thinks that t.v. programming for kids is completely insane? Gone are the days of good wholesome cartoons with coyotes trying to drop anvils on roadrunners. Two of the weirder things brought to my attention as of late are this and this. Bizarre. I worry for the youth of this country. And not just because of the results of the election, because I promised not to talk about that.

At the request of my loyal readership, I will try to update this site a bit more frequently. Look tomorrow for another photo captioning contest. Also, I've decided that the name "Alex's Blog" is too boring. To remedy this, I am now taking submissions from my readers for a new name. Just leave your suggestion in the comments. The winner will get a prize to be determined by me at some later date.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Oh, you've just been waiting for me to slip up, haven't you? Well it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I've made the necessary corrections, and even highlighted your little victory. Enjoy.