Monday, November 29, 2004

ND 1L: The Movie?

If a cheesy Hollywood director were making a movie out of my law school experience, now would be the appropriate time to cut to a montage sequence.

It would probably feature me doing the following: studying in the law library, walking to class while deftly dodging blasts from the ND sprinklers (ok, so they haven't been up and running lately. But you know, artistic license.), reading while eating lunch, bouncing a ball off the wall a few times before furiously writing down a good idea, studying in the law school lounge, laughing with some friends (with whom I'm presumably studying), typing on my laptop late at night wearing glasses and a wooden pencil clenched between my teeth, writing on a whiteboard during a group study session, sitting at a desk covered in papers and a cool desk lamp (probably wearing glasses again), sleepily studying in the law school library, etc. It would all be set to some montage mood music. It probably wouldn't be something upbeat like Eye of the Tiger; a more likely choice would be some soulful ballad. If you can think of something appropriate, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

After the roughly four minute montage, the movie would cut to me sitting down to finals.

Thankfully, my life is not a cheesy Hollywood movie. Though it would be cool if I could effectively study for all my finals in four minutes.

1 comment:

D said...

Hit me baby one more time OR Hey hey we're the Monkeys