Monday, November 15, 2004

Let's get ready to rummm-ble

In less than a month, I shall be fighting the good fight: 1L first semester finals.

But every main event has a few warm-up bouts, and here it's legal research and legal writing. We're already hard at work at our legwri graded memo to the court, and our legwri final is due after Thanksgiving. The legal research exam is this Friday.

Legres classes met today for an official review session, where students could ask any questions they have before the final. It was pretty clear that our prof didn't even want to be there, nevermind answer any questions. I couldn't tell if he was being purposefully evasive just to annoy us, or if he really couldn't communicate intelligibly if his life depended on it.

Fortunately, Cordell, a friend of mine from my study group, had arranged to have one of the other legres profs meet with a small group of students for an independent, unofficial review. She clearly and patiently answered each question and cleared up a few misconceptions about the exam. I learned a lot during those two and a half hours, which sounds kind of bad, but it's good that it happened before the exam. Oh, and Cordell's wife baked cakes for the group. She's an outstanding cook.

In other news, law school craziness continues. Between scrambling to prepare for the 1L job application process and scrambling to prepare for finals, everyone's a bit on edge. I'm not as stressed as I thought I'd be yet, but then again I tend to save that off until much closer to impending doom. And since I've been pretty diligent in studying, I think procrastinating on the stressing out is acceptible. Getting out of the law school every once and a while helps too.

I'll be back in Ohio in about a week and a half. I'm lucky enough to be having two Thanksgiving dinners this year, thanks to Honor's family and some considerate rescheduling by my family. Besides that I expect to be on the busier side (didn't I just say that there's job applying and legal writing to be done?), but if anyone wants to meet up for a little while, hit me up with suggestions.

On a final note: I'm trying to keep this page as updated as possible. A big thank you to those who have commented. But there's more to be done. As of this writing, only one person has submitted a caption for the photo captioning contest, and no one has submitted a suggestion for the new name of this blog. Let's get our heads in the game people, and start cracking. Now.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

"no one has submitted a suggestion for the new name of this blog"

That's easy: The Irish Buckeye's Blog! :)