Monday, September 20, 2004

Absolut Firepower

Vodka and AK-47s: there's a great mix for you.


D said...

Absolut Firepower. Nice title. You're so funny....

I hear the guy who invented the M-16 is working on his own line of Tequila. As am I. I'm calling mine "Can't-Remember-Where-the-Damn-Treasure's-Buried Edmund's Pirate Tequila". Nice, huh? I'm working on a catchy jingle. What do you think of this for a tagline:

When you're out on the high seas rapping and pillaging innocent trade ships and wealthy British colonies, nothing makes your fellow male shipmates look more attractive than few bottles of "Can't-Remember-Where-the-Damn-Treasure's-Buried Edmund's Pirate Tequila." Available at all local retailers.

Brad said...

We will just call him M.C. Edmund, the most feared rapper that ever sailed the seven seas. Beard color and number of wooden appendages can be determined once the record deals start coming in.

D said...

Yeah, OK. But maybe I did mean rapping, M.C. BRADLEY. Maybe I meant that you could be a rapping pirate who drinks my Tequlia and has one big song and competes with Vanilla Pirate for the top of the Billboard Charts. Maybe I outsmarted you all.

Brad said...

...or maybe not

Alex said...

I think you two have been sampling a little too much of Edmund's new liquor, me mateys. Plus, as any true pirate knows, the intoxicating beverage of choice for seafaring salt dogs be rum, not tequila, ye landlubber. An' there'll be no rappin' on my ship as she sails the seven seas lookin' to plunder an' litigate, mark me words.