Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The 1L Honeymoon's Over

Well, maybe things aren't that dire.

The stress level has increased, and those surveyed all attribute it to (surprise!) Legal Writing. Apparently my section is not alone in feeling lost, confused, and generally befuddled. Speaking of which... I don't mean to continue my rant on this subject, but suffice it to say that we finally got some clarification today - for the assignment due this past Sunday. Why we couldn't have had this information (which included things not mentioned at all in the book, which our prof admitted was a serious shortcoming of the book) before doing the assignment is utterly beyond me. Naturally, our assignments were returned riddled with comments on errors that could have been easily avoided if we'd been provided the pertinent info before the assignment.

On a related note, many of my fellow law students are getting sick. I myself am recovering from a cold. My theory is as follows:

Increased Stress + Decreased Sleep + Sharing Close Quarters with 180 Similarly Affected Students = Depressed Immune System = Higher Incidence of Colds

Fortunately I'm over the worst of it, but I remain ever vigilant for a possible recurrence. And as an additional precaution I'm drinking plenty of orange juice every morning. Mmmmm, vitamin C.

As if things aren't crazy enough, the 1L campaign season has started. That means there are about 25 people jockeying for the six 1L representitive positions (3 for the Student Bar Association, 3 for the Honor Council) by hanging cheesy campaign posters and flooding our law school mailboxes with flyers. My advice for any future would-be 1L reps: make your poster big, flashy, and laugh out loud funny. Pick an amusing issue (one candidate is running on a "clean bathrooms" platform). Don't take yourself too seriously; it's only a glorified popularity contest. And if you're going to put flyers in the mailboxes, you have to be first. The first flyer will be read because it's a novelty. All subsequent flyers will be ignored.

And such is the craziness that is the current state of NDLaw. Now back to studying.

1 comment:

D said...

I hate to say "I told you so." But wait, no, I really don't mind. Told you so.