Thursday, February 10, 2005

"I never could get the hang of Thursdays..."

First off, 50 points to the first person to identify the source of the quote in this post's title.*

Anyway, today was a pretty rough day. But looking back on it, I've been rather lucky that things weren't much worse.

It started off when I woke up later than intended. I woke up a few minutes before 8am, when my LegWri class starts. We were giving sample oral arguments in the courtroom today and receiving evaluations from a Shakespearean actor. After a mad rush to get ready, I hopped into my car and drove to the law school (instead of walking, as I usually do). I parked at the circle in front of the law school (technically a No Parking zone) and made it just in time.
My partner was supposed to present today, but didn't make it in today due to a family emergency. Luckily, I didn't have to give the argument in his place.

After LegWri, my partner and I were supposed to meet with our LegWri prof to discuss the case. Since I had some questions that I wanted to ask, I decided I'd meet with her one-on-one.
But first, I have to move my car. I drive over to the bookstore parking lot (the sign here says Maximum 2 Hours Parking) and then rush back to the law school to make the 9am appointment.

When I get there, my prof isn't to be found. She does finally show up, half an hour late. The meeting was mildly helpful. I basically presented some of my questions and got responses amounting to "That's an interesting question" or "Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that." She did agree to check with one of the legal research professors in the law library to try and answer some of my concerns, which she emailed me with later today. (Have I mentioned that my LegWri prof is an English/Creative Writing professor who knows very little about law?)

By the time the meeting wraps up, I realize it's five after ten and my Contracts class has already started. Fortunately, if there was one class to which I had to show up late, I would pick Contracts. I peered in the doorway looking for an empty seat. Rougeau sees me and waves me in. I scramble down the steps and spot an open seat: front row, on the aisle. At least I don't have to crawl over people to get to a seat.

Ethics follows immediately after Contracts. That class is pretty boring and it's always a struggle to stay awake. All in all, the class passes without incident.

Now I figure I'd better go move my car (again). It's now 11:45 (for those of you keeping score at home, my car has been parked in the 2 hour lot for about 2.5 hours). I'm hoping I don't have a ticket plastered to my windshield. Not that it'd be a huge deal if I did - apparently the first "ticket" is only a warning. Once again fortune seemed to smile on me as there was neither a ticket nor a warning on my car.

I drive home, then walk back to the law school to do some work and grab my stuff. From there on out my day settled down considerably.

*Much like Whose Line is it Anyway? the points don't matter. But you still get bragging rights if you answer correctly. And who knows - maybe if someone accumulates enough points there might be some prize like a case of beer. For the sake of argument, let's throw out an arbitrary sum. Say, a million.


Anonymous said...


Generally, you don't have to worry about parking for more than two hours in the bookstore lot unless the bookstore is closed or it's a really crowded weekend on the campus (ie I wouldn't park there during JPW later this month when all the parents come in).

I think I might have (nearly)matched your parking adventures today-I went to the post office and parked in the Stepan lot in the space clearly marked "Student parking prohibited at all times" for about a half an hour. :)
~Kate S.

Anonymous said...

50 points?! Don't you mean 42? Sheesh.

Alex said...

Anonymous, I had actually considered that but didn't want to give it away. (Or I'm just generous and decided to round up to the nearest 50.) You clearly know the answer, but didn't actually answer... and since you posted anonymous, it's hard to give you credit. For everyone else, consider it a hint and give me the source.

Anonymous said...

It's my favorite character of all time- Arthur Dent in (Drumroll please....) The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!


Alex said...

Congrats to Kristine, 50 points to you. And I'll add in another 42 just for fun. That puts you up to 92. Only 999,908 points to go to get a really cool prize.