Sunday, February 20, 2005

100 Things

1. Alex's favorite pizza toppings are ham and pineapple.
2. Alex wishes he had more photos of friends and family.
3. Alex used to play piano and clarinet but now can hardly read music.
4. Alex wants to pick up playing an instrument again.
5. Alex admires punctuality and sometimes gets annoyed at people who aren't; this goes double for himself.
6. Alex is a hopeless romantic.
7. Alex thinks of himself as a cautious optimist. And sometimes not all that cautious.
8. Alex played the lead role in his first grade play.
9. Alex thinks intelligence is very sexy.
10. Alex's favorite ballroom dance is the Tango.
11. Alex writes poetry but lets very few people read it.
12. Alex's favorite book is Jurassic Park.
13. Alex was originally an aerospace engineering major.
14. Sometimes Alex wishes he had stayed in engineering.
15. Alex took fencing in undergrad.
16. Alex has been to skating camp, science camp, and chess camp.
17. Alex likes the name Ivan but would never be so cruel to his children.
18. Alex hopes to someday see Australia. And New Zealand. And Australia.
19. Alex predicts that only one reader got the last joke.
20. It took Alex six tries to pass Novice Freestyle.
21. Alex likes broadway musicals. His favorite is probably Jekyll and Hyde.
22. Alex enjoys reading Shakespeare.
23. Alex really doesn't like hospitals, even though his father is a doctor.
24. Alex thinks it would be cool to have a wedding on a beach or in a castle, but doubts it will

25. Alex is pretty good at word games.
26. Alex was elected vice president of his eighth grade class; he chalks it up to being the new
kid and giving out candy.

27. Alex founded a chess club in high school.
28. Alex likes sushi.
29. Alex likes venus fly traps, but has trouble keeping them alive.
30. Alex has tried internet dating.
31. Alex paces when he's nervous.
32. Alex comes up with some of his best ideas while walking.
33. Alex can easily distinguish diet cola from regular cola by taste.
34. Alex thinks his wardrobe needs an overhaul.
35. Alex likes receiving post cards.
36. Alex doesn't like the word "normal."
37. Alex really likes inside jokes.
38. Alex has played euchre on the steps of Verseilles.
39. Alex is a big fan of movie trailers.
40. Alex has almost a compulsive desire for people to like him.
41. Alex has only let three people call him Al.
42. Alex has had two near-death experiences (as in almost died, not the white light and the
tunnel thing).

43. Alex origingally wanted to be a detective when he grew up.
44. When people forget Alex's name, they most frequently call him Mark or Eric.
45. Alex considered joining the air force.
46. Alex enjoys philosophical discussions.
47. Alex has never broken a bone (knock on wood).
48. Alex doubts it is possible for anyone to completely know and understand him.
49. Alex predicts his mid-life crisis will involve learning to sail.
50. Alex collects alligator knick knacks.
51. Alex has choreographed a group number for an ice show.
52. Alex wishes he was better at keeping in touch with his friends. Better yet, he wishes they
kept in better touch with him.

53. Alex finds thuderstorms to be relaxing.
54. Alex doesn't get motion sickness.
55. Alex was on a speech team in seventh grade.
56. Alex likes listening to classical music, especially Paganini's violin concertos.
57. Alex enjoys being snarky from time to time.
58. Alex has twice waited in a line outside a theater, overnight, for Star Wars tickets. He had
different company each time.

59. Alex knows that the top letter on the eye chart is an "E," but not because he can see it
without correction.

60. Alex comes in two shades: pale white and lobster red (depending on sunscreen use).
61. Alex's Chinese vocabulary is limited to "yes," "no," "corn," and "Happy New Year."
62. Alex wishes he knew more about Chinese culture and his heritage.
63. When engaged in introspection, Alex prefers to sit quietly and alone in the dark.
64. Alex wants to prove that nice guys don't have to finish last.
65. Alex often talks to himself when he's alone.
66. When Alex hears a piece of music, he often imagines how he would skate to it.
67. Alex was once the only guy living in a house with six women.
68. Alex worries that he's not as smart as he thinks he is.
69. Alex would rather be the de facto leader than the elected/appointed position.
70. Alex can yawn without opening his mouth.
71. Alex is against the death penalty.
72. More than anything else, Alex hates being falsely accused.
73. Alex is a sucker for free food.
74. Alex thinks the hardest thing about meeting a bunch of people is remembering their names.
75. Alex doesn't like making "to do" lists.
76. Alex is a night owl.
77. Alex likes the fortunes inside fortune cookies.
78. Alex dislikes people who try to push their beliefs on him.
79. Alex has never successfully kept a journal.
80. Alex likes being asked for advice, though he sometimes doubts that he's qualified to give it.
81. Alex wishes he knew French better.
82. Alex isn't afraid of heights; Alex is afraid of falling from heights.
83. When Alex was younger, he had an imaginary friend. It was an elephant named Charlie.
84. Alex's favorite magazine is Discover.
85. Alex doesn't really feel that he's "from" anywhere in particular.
86. Alex likes to bowl, shoot pool, and play golf, but isn't good at any of them.
87. Alex has never used illegal drugs.
88. Alex has lost or broken more pairs of sunglasses than he can remember.
89. Alex used to be a cub scout.
90. Alex thinks that someday he'll write a book.
91. Alex has only gotten drunk alone once.
92. Alex considers himself one of the most creative people he knows.
93. Alex once constructed a fully operational model ballista.
94. When ordering dessert, Alex first considers all options that involve chocolate.
95. Alex really likes walking along a beach at night.
96. Alex checks his email compulsively.
97. Alex is a fan of British comedy - especially Monty Python and Douglas Adams.
98. The first time Alex drank, he spent time rehearsing saying the alphabet backwards.
99. Alex believes discretion is the better part of valor.
100. Alex echoes the sentiment that creating this list is a difficult task.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Al.

You should tell us about your near death experiences. You forgot to put on your list that you are a great storyteller.

This list was pretty neat. Thanks for posting it.


D said...

My favorites (with comments)
5. Being late - you should try it sometime, it's fun
19. Australia? Yeah, we didn't get it.
30. When did you try internet dating?
34. Clothing overhaul - Start with that terrible purple coat. I know I should never give advice on clothing, but that is one ugly coat.
41. Call you AL - Me and who are the other 2?
44. MARK! - Hank still kills me.
49. Why sailing?
64. Nice guys finnish last - I think you have already disproven this.
74. Names - I barely remember your name, Mark.
86. Sports you suck at - You forgot tennis. Bwaa ha ha.
93. Balista? Could have had a trebuchet too...
95. Walking on the beach at night EDIT**while drunk**
99. Booooo! Discretion is for wimps (and people smarter than me).

D said...

PS: Who is the hot girl on your bowling team? And since everyone on your bowling team reads your blog, umm, "Hello hot girl."

Anonymous said...

By "hot girl", do you mean the one in the green shirt?

D said...

Exactly, the "one" in the green shirt.

Is that like a uniform or something? Celebrating St. Patrick's Day early? What's the deal?

Roo from said...

1. Except for plain cheese pizza, I'm with you on this one.
5. Wow, you must hate Jaime.
6. Awwww
8. What was your character?
9. If Honor sees me as a threat, remind her that I'm taken.
16. Maybe you should've kept chess camp to yourself...
24. I'd like you to have a wedding at a beach or castle just so I can go.
35. I'll send you one from London. :)
57. You should be snarky more often...snarky is fun.
64. You already ended up with an amazing woman...I'd hardly call that finishing last.
69. Rather appropriate that you're the de facto leader of ICBING!

Good list...once Lent is over and I can blog again, perhaps I'll do one...

-Bowling Injury

Alex said...

Near death experiences...

The first of these near death experiences happened when I was very young, and as such I don't really have any memory of it. But my parents have mentioned it, so I'll defer to their recollection. Basically, I was in a boat with my parents on a lake that was in our backyard. One moment I was talking, then I suddenly stopped midsentence and my eyes glassed over. I think I also stopped breathing. Anyway, I had some sort of seizure (but not the grand mal shaking kind - that's for all you mockers).

The second near death experience occured during the summer between high school and college - the infamous car accident of '97. A friend of mine was driving me home one night, and speeding like a maniac down the county roads out in the sticks. The police reeport claimed he was driving "in excess of 80 MPH," but it was probably even higher than that. What happened next isn't entirely clear (though I remained conscious during the entire event, it happened very quickly). But the police report described the car as flying "upside down and backwards" through the air for quite a distance. I think the car obliterated several small trees (and one not-so-small) and a mailbox. The car ended up flipped over in a small ditch-like ravine next to a stone wall. Emergency personnel who reported to the scene later explained that upon their arrival they didn't expect anyone to be alive. The police snapped a picture of the twisted wreckage and put it on a bulletin board in their office reserved for the "worst wrecks that didn't kill anyone."

And thanks for the "great storyteller" bit, Nugatory. I don't feel I've really done these stories justice, but could probably tell them better in person. You know, with inflection, hand gestures, etc.

Alex said...


5. Oh, I've been late. I just don't like to be late.
19. See #37.
30. A few episodes during '97-'00.
34. Ha.
41. You, Brad, and one friend from high school.
44. Hank wasn't the only one. But I don't remember who else has mistaken me for a "Mark."
49. I don't know, I just like sailing. I got a chance to sail a few times over Christmas break, and had a wonderful time. It'll be a long time before I'd be able to afford to do it regularly, but I might be able to swing it around mid-life crisis time.
64. I like to think so.
74. Hysterical.
86. Ok, but bowling, pool, and golf aren't real "sports."
93. Maybe if you find a new projectile...
95. Ha, ha - true. But I enjoy doing it sober too.
99. "Put down the shovel."

Alex said...

Bowling Injury,

1. Cheese is really good too.
5. Hate's much too strong a word. Plus, if you tell her to show up half an hour before you want to leave, she ends up being on time. :)
6. 'Tis true.
8. Frosty the snowman.
9. Ah, so humble. (see #57)
16. Sorry if you're jealous. (see #57)
24. If I do, you're invited.
35. Cool.
57. Yeah, just not in CivPro.
64. Thanks!
69. And I rule with an iron fist! ok, not really.

Brad said...

Ok, your turn now...

1. The Hawaiian pizza is pretty good. Sometimes though, a nice pepperoni pizza just hits the spot (on that note, I think I have found the new Monkey or Minuteman of pizza places).

2. That is strange, we have many pictures of you...

3. Maybe you could have Derek teach you how to play guitar...

4. Seriously though, go for the noseflute or the spoons.

5. To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late...and then there is Derek.

6. It happens.

7. I can see the optimist part. And you are pretty cautious as well.

8. Congrats Frosty.

9. Yes, I am.

10. Ah, the forbidden dance...

11. I can't remember if I have ever had the pleasure...I don't think so though.

12. A quality choice.

13. Should have listened to the personality tests. Does ND have aerospace law?

14. You could launch things - for class credit.

15. S-words.

16. Probably not the best things to put on a resume...

17. I like the name Skanky myself.

18. Yeah.

19. It wasn't me.

20. I am so disappointed...

21. The Producers, Les Mis, and Rent are pretty good too though.

22. Et tu, Brute? (sorry, no little accents or cedilles or anything - shows how much I care)

23. Hospitals are evil. If I get seriously sick or injured, just start digging me a hole.

24. Maybe if the castle was in Italy...

25. That is why nobody wants to play with you.

26. How to get elected to SBA officer: give out free beer.

27. Another thing not to feature prominantly on a resume.

28. Yuck.

29. They are fun to play with though, using a pin to try to get them to eat the semi-conscious flies.

30. Sorry it didn't work for you. But, not everyone can be the pIMp.

31. "The Walk"

32. Therefore, Alex thinkgs better when he is nervous...

33. That is easy. Nutrasweet tastes like ass (or at least what I expect ass would taste like).

34. There is nothing like the feel of a good suit. Except maybe a good woman ripping the suit off you.

35. He who sends postcards, receives postcards (its like a big pyramid scheme).

36. Because nobody can define it.

37. Outside jokes just don't work as well, Jan Darma.

38. First of all, you are a dork for playing cards at Verseilles (unless it was the one in Ohio). Verseilles is pretty sweet though (the France one).

39. And sneaking into extra movies after paying for the first...

40. If it wasn't for a certain annoying mocker who complained of burnt garlic bread and blow-ups of little boys...

41. I feel special. I think...

42. One more and you get a turkey.

43. Sherlock Al I presume...

44. M. Ho and E. Ho just don't have the same humor effect as A. Ho.

45. Our good friend Phil is in the USAF... Besides, you would be too short to fly a jet.

46. I enjoy root canals.

47. We shall live in our large bubbles together (but not in that way).

48. I doubt anyone really does though...

49. Watch out for sharks. And no penis-cars.

50. It's a name thing. It's funny. No, it really is...

51. And the hits just keep on coming...

52. What are you doing for spring break? (and when is it?)

53. Rain blows though.

54. Good for that sailing.

55. We didn't even have a speech time in H.S...

56. Ah yes, the Paganini during online chess...

57. I blame Honor.

58. Three for three...?

59. Cheater.

60. That does make it easy to come up with a matching outfit...oh yeah, purple coat...

61. I think those four words could get you through a Chinese prison...

62. You ought to talk to Father, I mean Rob.

63. Sometimes listening to Paganini.

64. It really is much easier to be like Derek though.

65. Do you talk back though?

66. That kind of takes the fun out of it though.

67. And yet got no booty.

68. You're not.

69. Most definitely. Although if you are the only candidate (a la mock trial elections), you can rule no matter how crappy you are.

70. You should be on Leno.

71. But totally in favor of sending hundreds of little zerglings to their death.

72. Stop falsely doing things then.

73. Yeah, always the free food whore.

74. I agree.

75. How do you know what you have to do??

76. Which is why you and Derek get along so well. Or at least are able to do things together.

77. Your lucky numbers are 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

78. You will never be a missionary or evangelist.

79. Can you successfully keep a blog though...? That is the question.

80. Where do you suggest Niki and I go on spring break?

81. Oui, oui.

82. Nobody ever died from the elevator ride up to the top.

83. Was Charlie pink?

84. Everybody needs bathroom reading material.

85. A wayward traveler.

86. I bet the creek would beg to differ.

87. But how many have you sold?

88. If you could remember, you wouldn't have lost them.

89. Did you sell popcorn and build a pinewood derby car too?

90. I suggest a children's book...

91. Good job.

92. Then that children's book (which Derek failed to accomplish) should be no problem for you.

93. But not a fully operational trebuchet...

94. You sound like a woman.

95. Watch out for jellyfish.

96. You never know when you might get a very important email you need to respond to immediately though...

97. African swallows.

98. Z, Y, X, W...

99. Discretion also keeps you from getting disbarred.

100. And it just as hard responding to all 100. I suggest, as I did with Derek, choosing a more reasonably number - such as 12.

Anonymous said...

Too sleepy now to get through all of this. But had to respond to #5: uh --- sorry I just got up from my nap when you got in last Friday for the movie :P

Anonymous said...

Why do I keep doing that?

Comment up there was from me.


Anonymous said...

sorry, one more:

#1: have you tried ham and pineapple plus anchovies? Yum!


Alex said...


First off, thanks for responding to every freaking one of 'em. Yeah, it took me a while to write 100, took you a while to respond to 100, and again took me a while to read your response to 100. So to break the cycle, I'm only going to recomment on a few...

10. The Tango is not the forbidden dance.
13. Yes, but law school's enough right now.
40. Just for everyone else reading this: "blowups of little boys" refers to the idea of using an enlarged photo of a child decedent for closing arguments in mock trial.
45. I am NOT too short to fly a jet; in fact, I'm probably around the ideal size (cramped cockpit and all). Instead the factor that would prevent me from flying a jet is my eyesight (see #59).
52. Right now, the plan is I'll be back in Ohio for spring break, which is March 5-13.
58. Probably not. Law school exams and all.
65. Only sometimes.
75. Just because I don't like making to do lists doesn't mean that I don't. And I have a fairly good memory most of the time.
79. I'm doing my best.
80. I'll think on it.
83. No.
87. I haven't sold any; but Wendell Tucker sells drugs to little kids.
89. No.

Alex said...


1. Anchovies? Not a big fan of 'em in general, so I haven't tried that combination of toppings.
5. Don't worry about it - sometimes these things happen. We weren't late to the movie, after all.

Anonymous said...

Aha! So this is how law students spend all of their free time.

Anonymous said...

Hi!I`m Brazilian and found your blog in the internet.It`s very nice.Can you visit my blog?I`m going to stay very happy!Kisses!See you!

Brad said...

It really is only fitting that Alex's blog is attracting minors... Maybe you should hang a sign somewhere that says "no minors allowed"...