Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Still here

Yes everyone, I survived finals. Many apologies for the lack of posting. After finishing up the first semester of law school, I spent a relaxing week cruising the Caribbean aboard the ms Oosterdam. I'll post more about that in a later post. For now, I just wanted to reassure my readership that I'm well, back in Ohio, and will be blogging more frequently soon. (Hopefully- this whole "dial-up" business really sucks.)

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas and such. Seems the world is going crazy with winter storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, and asteroid scares, but I've avoided calamity thus far. Of course, I might be singing a different tune when grades come out...

Stay tuned.


Brad said...

Welcome back to civilization Al. Still waiting for my Christmas present of tropical fruit...

Anyway, when are you coming up to visit? My schedule looks pretty open all next week. What about you D?

D said...

Nice to have you back. Cruise, huh? I hope there were intoxicating women and beautiful alcohlic beverages. You'll have to tell us all about it.

I don't have any plans to venture up to Columbus anytime soon (working everyday), but you never know. We do need a 60 E Lane reunion. And Starcraft.

D said...

Ok, what the Hell? Every law school I have checked gives the first day of Spring Semester as January 10th? This is bullshit. The whole world has gone back to work today! The 3rd. Law school biotches....

This marks the first, and most likely only, day I will wish to be back in law school since leaving. Well, enjoy your little break Ho, and Bradley, and Jen, and Brooke, and Brendan. Your fun will be short lived.

Also - did you get a new suit Ho? I saw the pictures from the cruise. Nice work, player.