Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Final Countdown

5 down, 1 to go.

A three and a half hour Torts final is now the only thing standing between me and the end of my first semester of law school. Ok, so there are hours and hours of studying for that exam standing between me and the end of the semester too.


D said...

Why does Brooke need a Wookie Water Blaster for X-Mas?

Roo from said...

First, it's a Wookiee Water Blaster - 2 Es. I know it's dumb, but it's true.

I "need" it because I bought a Chewbacca action figure for our apartment complex's gift exchange last week. And because when I was a kid, my nickname was Brookie the Wookie, which of course I only recently discovered should be spelled Brookiee the Wookiee.

I can't believe I just admitted that on the Internet. I'm going to go cry now.

D said...

What an awesome kickname! Too bad Derek doesn't rhyme with any Star Wars characters....

Derek the Sarlac?

I'm calling Brooke, Chewbacca from now on.