Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Back to Blogging

Okay, sorry about the ridiculously long and completely unannounced blogging hiatus.

My bad. Mea culpa. Je suis désolé. Lo siento. Es tut mir leid. Mi dispiace. Förlåt. Zhen bao qian. (etc....)

As I understand it, the half-dozen people who actually read this were moderately concerned about my well-being and were terribly inconvenienced by having to find something else to read on the internets. To those of you who are such die-hard fans that you kept visiting this site day after day hoping for a new post and were repeatedly disappointed, I offer my most sincere apologies. To those who stopped by occasionally and quickly left when confronted with the same old post, I'm sorry. To those of you who have stopped reading altogether... well, you're not reading this anyway, but I apologize nonetheless. I'll redouble my efforts and promise never to take such a long break without warning again.

I wish that I could say that there was a good reason for the long lapse in posting, but honestly I've got nothing. I didn't join the merchant marines or head off to Africa to participate in doctors without borders. I haven't been sailing the seven seas researching banana sea slugs. I didn't move halfway across the world to teach English to impoverished children. I haven't been studying for the bar, ranching it up in New Mexico, or trekking the Himalayas in search of enlightenment. However, if a touch of self-delusion would help you cope, feel free to let your imagination have free reign with one of the above flights of fancy or one of your own devising (which you could always post in the comments).

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