Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arrr, it be ITLAPD

Avast me hearties! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Get ye out the jolly roger and run up the rigging. What say ye? Ye be wantin' to pillage me grog? I be disinclined to acquiesce to your request. (Means 'NO.')

I be doin' me part to help all ye on this fine holiday. Here be a good website describin' the origins of ITLAPD.

Needs ye help learnin' how to talk like a pirate? Check ye out this instructional video. It be a fine piece of work. But remember, they're more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules.

Nay, Jim Lad. Ye got to stretch out yer 'arrr.'

Arrr, a happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day to all ye salty sea dogs and saucy wenches. May today be a day of calm seas and smooth sailin'.

Yarrr, it be a good day to be a pirate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - glad you're still alive! You getting excited about the cruise?!? :) Do you have tickets to all the ND games? I would like to go to one on one of the day's OSU isn't at home... :) come on, hook your little sister up! I'll bring brownies, beer, etc.