Monday, October 18, 2004

Time to Catch Your Breath

It's finally here - the mid-semester break. I know a lot of my readers do not enjoy this luxurious reprieve (suckers! just kidding.). All I can say is that after the past week, it's good to have a little downtime to catch up on sleep, eat a few home-cooked meals, and generally get away from law school for a little bit.

For those who are interested, I did survive the final push. Practice exams seemed to go ok, though I'll reserve judgment until we get our results back after the break. The same goes for memo #2; but at least it's finished and behind me. I did take two breaks from the craziness last week. One for the presidential debate (with the presidential debate drinking game), and one for the post 1L practice exam party (no drinking that night- I offered to be the designated driver and still had to work on my memo).

Come 2pm Friday, everyone scrambled to get out of the law dunge- er, school. After hastily wishing a good break to several of my 1L comrades, I high-tailed it out of there. And now I'm back in the Buckeye State. A week of relaxation, good food, skating, spending time with Honor, and hanging out with some friends is just what the doctor ordered.

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