Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hey, that music sounds familiar...

No, I'm not talking about the music of tonight's free dances, but rather a little tune that played during the award ceremony - the Russian National Anthem.

If you thought it sounded kind of like the old Soviet National Anthem, it's because, well, it is. It's the same music anyway; the lyrics have changed. For more, check this out. (Thanks go out to Adam for pointing out the Wikipedia site.)

The Russians have already taken gold in three of the figure skating events. Will Irina Slutskaya
make it a clean sweep? The ladies skate their first round - the short program - tomorrow night.


Ruvym said...

Fucking Putin and his call to old Soviet glory. Russia is slowly creeping back towards a pre-90s state, or maybe not so slowly. Do you realize how many people (ignorant people but people nonetheless) still look up to and admite Stalin? Do you think Putin and his cronies mind? They love it. Next step, a way to make the KGB fun!

Brendan said...

Heh heh heh, you said "Slutskaya."

(shut up, beavis...)

Alex said...

I like the old Soviet anthem, at least as a piece of music. As for Russia going back to its socialist ways... I think the country's been teetering on the edge for a while, but I don't think it'll ever go back. That experiment failed, and it's really hard to stuff the capitalist genie back into the bottle.

Anonymous said...

With all the talk about those Soviets, I just can't resist the Simpsons reference...

% At the UN Building in New York City, a meeting of nations is in progress. %

Russian official: The Soviet Union will be pleased to offer amnesty to your wayward vessel.

American official: The Soviet Union? I thought you guys broke up.

Russian official: Yes, that's what we wanted you to think! [laughs]

% Well, it looks as if the century's greatest lie has been exposed, as communist factories start producing tanks again, the Berlin Wall re-erects itself out of the ground, and Lenin rises from his glass case, saying "Must Crush Capitalism, Rrr!". %