Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Fiddler's, chocolate, and the kindness of strangers

A bunch of us went to Fiddler's Hearth on Friday night, in lieu of the law school's Winter Formal. It was really crowded, possibly because an Irish band was performing that evening. We got to hear them play a little bit before leaving. They were a three-person group (though they usually have four), including one guy who played the bagpipes. But as Brooke noted, they did not have a fiddler. Maybe he was on the roof. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

The service at Fiddler's left something to be desired. Still, the food was good, the company was good, and we even had a mysterious benefactor. Apparently a woman gave our waitress a $10 gift certificate for our table. We have no idea who it was.

For dessert we headed over to the South Bend Chocolate Cafe. It was also quite busy; we stood around for a while before a table opened up. They have lots of tasty treats to choose from. After perusing the selections, I finally overcame indecision and got some dark chocolate coconut haystacks and dark chocolate raspberry truffles. Both were very good.

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