Tuesday, May 31, 2005


For your reading pleasure, a bunch on unrelated random thoughts of yours truly.

First off, the large lost post was my review of the new
Star Wars movie, which I simply haven't felt inclined to retype. Derek and I are working on a joint review, based on some of our impressions over our most recent viewing (my second, his third) last week. Hopefully we'll have it up soon. I may also write up a shorter version of my original review to cover anything we may have glossed over (or edited out) of the joint review.

It's been a few weeks since the end of 1L now, and it already feels so far away. As might be expected, my fellow NDLS bloggers haven't been posting as regularly. Of course, I'm a prime example of this. But in a law-school related vein, I've wanted to do a "Top 5 Things I Miss Since Starting Law School" for a while now (yeah, I stole the "top 5" idea from
High Fidelity), and now that I'm on the other side of 1L, I think it's time. So here it is:

5. Daylight (mostly due to South Bend winters- I was usually at the law school before sunrise and didn't leave until long after sunset)
4. Pleasure reading (yeah, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and our ConLaw casebook don't count)
3. Sleep (natural night owl + 8am legal writing = little sleep)
2. Skating (I think I made it to the rink less than a dozen times all year- pretty sad)
1. Honor (okay, she's a person and not a thing- so maybe "Being with Honor" would be more accurate)

In the past couple of weeks, I've rectified some of these. But I'm still missing the top two. I plan to hit the rink later this week. And Honor's due back next week, so we'll get to see each other again real soon!

As I've been living more or less alone for the past few weeks (owing to the fact that my parents decided to take a 3 week Alaska/Western Canada excursion) and can only spend so much time on legal reading/writing/editing before going insane, I've watched a little bit of tv. And there's one thing that I find particularly disturbing: the number of commercials advertising online poker sites. Is this unique to Ohio? I know that there's been a move to allow casinos in the state, but that seems tangentially related at best. There are at least three different websites touting their online poker games, and every commercial break features at least one, frequently two, and occasionally all three of them. Another oddity is that they're all into alliteration (Party Poker, Pacific Poker, Paradise Poker). It's strange. And all in all, these commercials are just annoying- even more so than commercials are in general.

Alright, that's enough randomness for now. I apologize for the lack of a running theme to this post, but I wanted to jot down a few things to surprise the three or four of you who've been obsessively checking my blog and feeling great disappointment in the lack of new reading material. I'll try to make my next post a bit more cohesive.


Brad said...

Sticking with the randomness theme of your post, when are you leaving the country? I want to make sure we hit Kate up for Mongolian BBQ before you leave.

And barring rain, we have a softball game this Friday at 7:15, if you would like to come and watch and cheer when Derek drops a ball or strikes out.

Roo from TwirlieGirls.com said...

Yea for getting to see Honor! I must say, I love being able to see Craig every day or every other day...such a nice change. :) And don't worry, I promise that I'll start posting again soon. The wireless doesn't work in my place like they said it would, so I have to get a longer cable to run from the room next door...typing in the hallway doesn't make me inclined to blog. But once the writing competition is over, I'll be back. Have a good time in London! (This was nice and random, too.)