Friday, May 20, 2005


Yeah, I know, it's been a while. I don't even have a very good excuse, since I've been done with law school for about two weeks now. I haven't been up to anything too exciting, with the exception of the premiere for the new Star Wars movie. It was a great experience, and I feel obligated to write a review - but it's something upon which I need a bit more time to reflect. For now, let me simply say that I greatly enjoyed the movie. I've already perused some other reviews of the movie, which seem to be mixed. Some loved it, others despise it, and all for a variety of reasons. Soon I'll throw my hat into the ring and give you my reasons for my reaction. I doubt the delay will have any real impact, as no one should be depending on my review in deciding whether to see the movie. Furthermore, as I expect my review will be laden with spoilers, this will give any readers who have not yet seen the movie to do so before I launch into my thoughts.

And I fully realize that there are members of my readership (if I still have one after so long an absence) that couldn't care less about Star Wars or my reaction to the latest installment. To you I apologize in advance, and simply pledge that I'll do my best to post a bit more regularly and on topics I hope you'll find more interesting.

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