Sunday, December 04, 2005

Get those Tostitos ready...

It's official: Ohio State and Notre dame will head to Tempe, Arizona to duke it out in the Fiesta Bowl. It's a can't-miss game for an "Irish Buckeye." It'll be an interesting matchup, and one I didn't expect to see for a while.

In anticipation of the occasion, here are links to each school's fight song:

First, Cheer, cheer for Old Notre Dame...
Then hear the Buckeye Battle Cry!

For more news on the BCS bowls and the impending OSU-ND Fiesta matchup, check out Brendan's blog.


Roo from said...

You're going DOWN, Ho!

Oh, I love that we have an entire MONTH of trash talking ahead of us!

D said...

I wanna go back to Ohio State! Go Bucks. Where are you going to be for the game Ho? Ohio or SB?

D said...

I ate a Snickers today and the wrapper had Star Wars trivia. The question was: Who's home planet is Dagobah?

I read the answer. I'm writing a letter to Mars canday to complain. My question to you: Tell me what and why I am writing said complaint.

Alex said...

Brooke- We shall see.

Casey- Right on!

D- I'll be in Ohio for the game. Maybe we should set up some kind of game watch?

As to the Snickers trivia question: clearly the answer they were looking for is Yoda. I'm sure your complaint arises from the characterization of Dagobah as Yoda's "home planet." Dagobah was merely the planet of Yoda's self-imposed exile following his confrontation with the Emperor. According to the Star Wars Databank, Yoda's homeworld is unknown.

Ruvym said...

Is that you figure skating in the header picture for the site?

Alex said...

Ruvym - yes, that's me. That picture was taken at an intercollegiate competition held at Michigan State. A split second sooner and I'd be completely replacing the "A" in Spartans - which would probably make it a slightly more artistic shot. But I think it comes close enough.

D said...

Dude, I can fix that.