Friday, December 09, 2005

A few harmless flakes

That's right, we're talking snow.

We've had a few snowfalls this year in South Bend, but yesterday was the first significant snowstorm of the season. Up until then we've had maybe an inch or so of accumulation and lots of flurries (some have remarked that the flurries seemed like "movie set snow"* -- the kind that just seems to hang in the air). Yesterday's storm dumped several inches (maybe 9"?). Brooke told me this morning that it took her 45 minutes just to dig her car out of the snow. What a great kickoff for finals season here at NDLS.

As the storm headed east, Derek had to spend the night in a hotel rather than head home. His car was covered in snow, though that's nothing compared to the cars here in the Bend. Things got even more interesting further east -- Honor experienced an interesting phenomenon known as "thundersnow." This is the first I've ever heard of such a storm, but then again I'm not much of a weather nerd.

It's been more or less clear all day today, and when I don't have to be out trudging around in it, the snow is pretty to look at. With a little imagination, I can picture myself in a cozy little ski village rather than here in Indiana. A day of skiing (and perhaps some après-ski) sure beats studying for/taking finals. And by skiing, I mean downhill skiing, not cross-country. I'll let gravity do most of the work, thanks. There's also a part of me -- call it my "inner child" -- that would rather be fashioning snowman works of art. After all, that too would far beat the whole finals rigamarole. But at least this time next week I'll have another semester of law school behind me. We're supposed to get a few more inches of snow tomorrow, but hopefully things will be clear for the drive back to Ohio.

* Take the movie snow challenge! Name each of the following movies (by leaving a comment or emailing me), based on these snowfall images:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

First person with the most correct wins a prize of my choosing.


Alex said...

So far Derek is in the lead with 4/5.

Roo from said...

I don't know the movies, but I do know that I'd heard of thundersnow (though not by that name) from none other than Lewis Black. On one of his albums, during his rant about weather, he tells the story of being in Boston, hearing thunder and lightning, getting up to look at the window and seeing snow. Then, of course, the routine continued with yelling and cursing. Very funny.

Brad said...

Based on the title, this post had great promise... I think you should make a part II to this post, using the title as it was meant to be used.

Ruvym said...

That one with the woman and red roses is stumping me. I hate when this happens. Who is she? Portman? Knightley? Roberts? I can't figure it out. Help!

Roo from said...

Where's your 15 on 15?

Alex said...

First off, congratulations go out to Jaime, winner of the innaugural movie picture challenge!

The correct responses:
1. Kill Bill, vol. 1
2. Snow Falling on Cedars
3. Groundhog Day
4. Phantom of the Opera
5. Wonder Boys

Way to go, Jaime! Jaime will be receiving a prize as soon as I decide what the prize is.

Ruvym- the actress from #4 is Emmy Rossum.

Brooke- I wonder if thundersnow is a Boston thing? Anyway, my 15 on 15 is now up for your viewing enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

I totally rock, even from across the Atlantic. Although I have to give some credit to Take A Knee. His movie knowledge, while nominal, was helpful. I'd like to thank Alex for creating this fun diversion in the middle of finals weeks. I'd also like to thank Professor advance...for not failing me in Catholic Social Thought even though my paper for his class surely suffered in pursuit of these answers. Mahalo.