Monday, June 27, 2005

Day 2: Classes Begin

Well, today got off to a rocky start. I left the dorms later than I wanted, but with what I thought was still enough time to get to the 10am orientation at the law school. After yesterday's meanderings, I had plotted out a more direct route to walk to school. Unfortunately, I got turned around and quickly lost. I had to ride the Tube to get there and still ended up being late. Fortunately I didn't miss too much.

My first class started immediately after orientation. It's Public International Law, and looks to be an interesting course. Our professor is from Scotland and seems very excited about international law, which is a big plus. It also sounds like we'll be discussing very contemporary subjects. It's a relatively small class (roughly 20 students) comprised of American students (many from ND, but several from other U.S. law schools) and a large contingent of Aussies from ND's Australian campus.

Right after Public International Law I have European Union Law. This course is taught by Professor Moens (hailing from Belgium, but he teaches at the Australian campus), who came highly recommended from a now rising 3L who did the London Programme last summer. He seems quite entertaining, which is good since I also have him for International Business Law. The course is a little intimidating, as I don't know too much about the formation of the EU (such as, which countries joined when - something Prof. Moens seems to think is general knowledge). The course got off to a less than exciting start as we went through a number of treaties as background material (including a lot of accession treaties detailing which countries joined when). After we get through some of the background material though, I think this class will be pretty interesting.

This wrapped up my classes for the day, and it was time to buy some books. I actually got to the book store without incident (save a wrong turn that landed me in Knockturn Alley rather than Diagon Alley, and - um, nevermind). I purchased two large books for my PIL class and trekked home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates, Alex. Keep them coming when you have a chance, but don't waste too much valuable site-seeing time.