Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter and such

One of the perks of going to Notre Dame is getting a nice long weekend for Easter. We had a four-day weekend (Good Friday, weekend, Easter Monday). Some people got a somewhat longer break either my luck (the other Contracts section didn't hold class on Thursday) or by skipping out early. What made this mini-vacation interesting for me is I actually stayed on campus this time, instead of heading back to Ohio.

I did get some work accomplished, though not as much as I would have liked (but isn't that always the way?). In addition, I got to meet Brooke's boyfriend Craig and partake of lots of free food (courtesy of Brooke and Craig). The three-course Easter brunch was very good.

As it turns out, it's probably for the best that I didn't go anywhere - Depositions had a class today and I was up to perform.

Now for a little news in the world of blogs... Brooke is back from her hiatus and posting like crazy. Brendan's NCAA pools are going strong (and in which my picks performed fairly well - not bad considering my absolute lack of sports knowledge (just ask anyone who's played Trivial Pursuit with me)). Derek's experimenting with a new blog format, when he's not painting by number at work. Brad's not feeling the love over at his blog where no one's been commenting lately (so take some pity on the boy and leave him a few words). And last but not least, it seems my sister's jumping on the blog bandwagon.

Anyway, it's back to law school tomorrow. I only have one class - Contracts. It'll be a nice way to ease back into the week. But tomorrow night I have my oral argument for LegWri II/Moot Court. Look for a post late tomorrow night to see how things went.

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