Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Admiralty Law?

As some of my friends well know, a common question posed to law students is "What kind of lawyer do you want to be?" or "What type of law do you want to practice?" This is a difficult question to answer, especially since 1Ls rarely know enough about the various kinds of law and jobs to make such a decision. Usually it takes a few internships, meetings with career counselors, and talking to actual lawyers to become better informed. Even then, there are opportunities that may escape all but the most attentive student. In an attempt to make the public aware of some of these overlooked jobs, I encourage you to check out this site.

I, for one, am considering pursuing a career in Pirate Law. Mostly because I want to object to questions by saying, "There be a lot of fancy words there, and we be but humble pirates." And reject plea offers with: "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means 'no.'" Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate lawyer's life for me.


D said...

Pirate lawyer? Is that what they are calling Criminal Defense at Notre Dame?

I think if I had my pick, I would go for "Lawyer to the Son of God." I better they have great medical benefits.

Anonymous said...

Here's someone you can talk to about Professional Training as a Pirate Lawyer:


- Fleepy